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USDOT Announces 2024 SS4A Grant Opportunity Now Open 

The fiscal year (FY) 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Safe Streets and Roads for All grants is open now. Planning and Demonstration Grants are open until 5:00 p.m. (EDT) Thursday, August 29, 2024.Implementation Grants are open until 5:00 p.m. (EDT) Thursday, May 16, 2024.


The FY 2024 SS4A Notice of Funding Opportunity has multiple application deadlines, depending on the grant type.

Implementation Grants

Implementation Grant applications have a single deadline for the FY24 SS4A NOFO:

  • May 16, 2024, by 5 p.m. (EDT)

Planning and Demonstration Grants

Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants have three deadlines for the FY24 SS4A NOFO:

  • April 4, 2024, by 5 p.m. (EDT)
  • May 16, 2024, by 5 p.m. (EDT)
  • August 29, 2024, by 5 p.m. (EDT)

Following each deadline, USDOT will review Planning and Demonstration Grant applications received to date.

Each eligible applicant can receive only one award for the FY24 NOFO.

General Instructions

Below are general instructions for how to apply for an SS4A grant. Detailed information is provided in the NOFO, which interested applicants should review in its entirety.  

Preparing to Apply

Learn About the SS4A Grant Program 

Review the SS4A website and Notice of Funding Opportunity to determine if your project is a good fit for the program. The Frequently Asked Questions page addresses common programmatic questions, and webinars provide additional information to aid applicants.

Read the Application Instructions 

Carefully follow the requirements described in Section D of the NOFO to prepare your application. If your application does not include the required components in the required format, it may not be considered.

Select a Grant Type 

For the FY 2024 SS4A grants, applicants may choose to apply for one of two possible grant types per application deadline: Planning and Demonstration Grants or Implementation Grants.

To decide which SS4A grant type to apply for, please see Which Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Type Should We Apply For?

Fill Out the Required Standard Forms (SF)  

We recommend using the SF forms available for download on the Valid Eval application page to ensure that you are using the correct form version.

  • Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
  • Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL)
  • Standard Forms for Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants only:
    • Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A)
    • Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B)
  • Standard Forms for Implementation Grant applicants only:
    • Budget Information for Construction Programs (SF-424C)
    • Assurances for Construction Programs (SF-424D)

Get more information about filling out the Standard Forms.

Submitting Your Application

Begin the Process with 

Before submitting your materials, you must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number to apply. To request a UEI, please visit Note: It may take up to 30 days to receive a UEI. 

Applicants must have “Active” UEIs in order to apply; applicants with existing UEIs are encouraged to verify that their UEI is active prior to applying.  

Register in Valid Eval

Valid Eval is a third-party web-based evaluation platform used by USDOT and other Federal programs to support application submissions and evaluation. Applicants will submit their grant applications via Valid Eval.

The person who first registers on Valid Eval will be the Primary Contact for the application and should be a staff member from the applicant agency. Either this person or the Alternate Contact in Valid Eval must sign the Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424).

Go to Valid Eval’s signup page and register for one of two account types, depending on the grant type you are applying to:

  • Register on Valid Eval to apply for a Planning and Demonstration Grant
  • Register on Valid Eval to apply for an Implementation GraUse your email address to register. The registration process should take approximately 10 minutes and can be done ahead of submitting your application. If you already have an account with Valid Eval, you do not need to register again.

    Contact [email protected] or [email protected] with any technical issues.

    Do Not Apply through 

    You must apply for SS4A grants through Valid Eval. will have the opportunity posted, but you cannot apply through

    Submit Application

    When you are ready to submit your application, go to the same Valid Eval sign-up link as above.

    • Log in to your account in Valid Eval.
    • Answer all of the registration details and key information questions on the page. 
    • Upload the completed Standard Forms and other applicable attachments at the bottom of the page. 
    • Click on “Submit Your Application.”
    • You will see a confirmation page letting you know your submission is complete. Take a screenshot with the time stamp if you finish your application on the same day as the deadline. 
    • If any required details on the page are missing, you will need to scroll up the page and complete the missing details before you can submit your application. Details are not saved if you exit this page before seeing the confirmation page.
    • You can save your progress in Valid Eval and return to your application until the NOFO closes by logging into using the login credentials you created at signup. You can also add additional team members to your profile who may need to be included on any feedback notifications.
    • Once you submit your application, you cannot make any edits to your application, so please ensure that your application is complete before submitting.

    After You Submit

    After USDOT has completed its review process, all applicants will receive an email notification as to whether their application was selected for an award.  

    SS4A Application Aids

    The following application materials, instructions, checklists, and planning worksheets are intended to help guide applicants through the SS4A eligibility and application process.

    Application Materials

    The following documents should be completed and uploaded with your application in Valid Eval:

    Instructional Fact Sheets

    The following documents provide guidance or instructions to complete various elements of the SS4A application:

    Pre-Application Action Plan Review

    New in FY24, potential Implementation Grant applicants may submit any referenced Action Plan(s) for pre-application review so that USDOT may affirm or provide details regarding whether the Action Plan meets the eligibility requirements for an Implementation Grant. Pre-application submissions must be received by April 17.

    Pre-application review is not required. Pre-Application is not available for Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants.

    Learn more, including how to request a review, on the SS4A Pre-Application Action Plan Review page.

    Number of Allowed SS4A Applications

    If an applicant is eligible for both a Planning and Demonstration Grant and an Implementation Grant, the applicant may submit only one application—either for a Planning and Demonstration Grant or an Implementation Grant but not for both in FY24—per application deadline.

    If an applicant is not selected for Implementation Grant funding, they may subsequently reapply for a Planning and Demonstration Grant as long as they submit their application by the final Planning and Demonstration Grant deadline of August 29, 2024.

    An eligible Implementation Grant applicant may submit only one Implementation Grant application to the FY24 SS4A funding opportunity.

    Planning and Demonstration Grant applicants that applied by earlier deadlines and were not selected for an award may reapply to this NOFO as long as they submit their application by the last Planning and Demonstration Grant deadline of August 29, 2024.

    Each eligible applicant can receive up to one award from the FY 2024 NOFO.