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TCSA E-News: September 6, 2024

Posted on 9/6/2024
TCSA E-News: September 6, 2024. Fall Conference Updates + More

TCSA E-News: August 30, 2024

Posted on 8/30/2024
TCSA E-News: August 30, 2024. Fall Conference Updates + More

TCSA E-News: August 23, 2024

Posted on 8/23/2024
TCSA E-News: August 23, 2024. Conference Updates,

TCSA E-News: August 16, 2024

Posted on 8/16/2024
TCSA E-News: August 16, 2024. Conference Updates,

TCSA E-News: August 9, 2024

Posted on 8/9/2024
TCSA E-News: August 9, 2024. Read the latest news from TCSA + statewide updates.


Capitol Update: February 9, 2024

State of the State Address

This week began with the annual tradition of the Governor delivering his state of the state address to a joint session of the House and Senate on Monday night. In his speech, he outlined his legislative priorities for the year. Some of these, like his universal school voucher proposal, called Freedom Scholarships, were already known. Others were announced for the first time. He began by highlighting the strong financial position of the state. Over the past five years, Tennessee has been ranked as the fastest-growing economy of all 50 states, the number one state for fiscal stability, a top state for business, the second lowest-taxed state per capita, and the lowest debt state in America. He expressed pride that the state has been able to reduce the number of distressed counties from 15 to 8 during his tenure...

Click Here to Read the Full Capitol Update for February 9th

County Government Day is Almost Here!


We have more than 30 state legislators who have RSVP’d for this year’s County Government Day Legislative Breakfast on Tuesday, February 20. We encourage you to attend this year’s County Government Day to represent your county on the state level. 

It’s a wonderful opportunity to speak with legislators and schedule some further face time with them to discuss key issues affecting your community. If you have not yet, PLEASE register for the conference on TCSA’s website and show your support for Tennessee county government.
Click Here to Register for County Government Day

Announcing TCSA + cashVest webinar: Changing Interest Rates and County Investments

The first of TCSA's Third Thursday webinar series, meeting with cashVest by three+one. cashVest provides precise and proprietary liquidity data, benchmarking tools, and forecasting for financial officers allowing them to make the best, most informed decisions for taxpayers and stakeholders.

cashVest has been deemed a best practice in liquidity management and is endorsed by the Tennessee County Services Association, County Officials Association of Tennessee as well as the National Association of Counties. Join us to speak with Director of Public Partnerships, William Cherry, and learn how fellow Tennessee counties that have benefited from the cashvest program.
Click Here to Register for the Webinar on TCSA's website

New TACIR Report Released Detailing Tennessee's Public Infrastructure Needs

NASHVILLE—Tennessee needs at least $68 billion worth of public infrastructure improvements during the five-year period of July 2022 to June 2027—a $5 billion (9%) increase from the year before—according to a new report by the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR).  Health, Safety, and Welfare infrastructure needs increased by $2 billion—37% of the overall increase in the total estimated cost of the inventory.  

Over half of this increase—$1 billion—is needed for water and wastewater infrastructure improvements, including new projects and increases in the cost of existing projects.  The overall increase in water and wastewater needs was offset by $27 million in cost decreases, $324 million in completed projects, and $22 million in canceled projects.  The largest completed project is a sewer system rehabilitation in Springfield ($63 million).
Click Here to View the Full Report from TACIR

Governor Lee Delivers the 2024 State of the State Address

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Monday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee delivered his sixth State of the State address and presented budget and legislative priorities for the upcoming year to a joint session of the General Assembly and fellow Tennesseans.

Key highlights are noted below, and the full speech as prepared for delivery can be found here. A Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget overview can be found here.

“Tennessee is a remarkable place with a richness of passionate people of all kinds, an unrivaled culture and deep-rooted traditions,” said Gov. Lee. “We are also a state that is focused on opportunity, security and freedom for all of her people. In 2024, and for the remainder of my time in office, I believe our job is to fortify that which has been built over the years, and to remember the work it took to get here.”

Click Here to Read the Key Points & Proposals

Tennessee Investor Update 

Click Here to View the Updates from the Comptroller's Office

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